My country

        My Country is Sri lanka.It is a one most popular Asian country. It is surrounded by Indian, that People called It''the pearl of the Indian ocean''.Sri jayawardenepura is the capital of Sri lanka.Ther is a long and pride history in Sri lanka. the population of my country is about twenty million. My mother land is a Buddhism Country.There are four main religion such as Buddhism Islam,Hinduism and Christianity.My mother land is a very beautiful Country.there are lot of a Marvellous places.the amazing gardens,beautiful rivers,attractive waterfalls,forestand various plants,flowers are the main benefactors of increace the beauty.
      Pidurutalagala is the highest mountain and Mahaweli is the longest river in Sri lanka.Our national  anthem is ''Sri lanka matha''.the official languages in Sri lanka are Sinhala Tamil and English.Our National   Flag is called the Lion flag,our National flower is the blue water lily,our national tree is na tree,the national   bird is the jungle fowl,the national animal is the giant squirrel and our national sport is volleyball.

   there are many tourist attactions in my country. waterfalls,santuaries, botanical gardens,and sandy beaches are some of them.sri lanka is a agricultural country.tea, rubber and coconut are the main crops of sri lanka. I love my country very much.



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