my university💖

             My University is Univesity of Vishual and Perfoming arts. It's a very  beautyful University.the Origin of the Vishual and Perfoming arts can be  tracked back to 1893 ,the era in which the Celon Technical Collage was Estabilished. Drawing and design were among the first cources to tought there.Approximately five decades later,on 1 octomber 1949,The department of  arts and Aesthetics shifted I'ts Locality from Hortan place to Heywood Collage. the restructuring of the  University Systemin in Sri lanka  Affiliated the Institute to the University of Kelaniya in1980. a special Gazette notice formally Announced the Creation of the University of vishual and perfoming arts on 1 july 2005.

           University of Vishual and Perfoming arts is a Public University located primarily in colombo,Sri lanka.the Present chancellor of the University is prof. Sanath nandasiri and the Vise chancellor is prof.Rohana p mahaliyanaarachchi. I love my university.



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