my school

               My  School is G / Ananda Central Collage.  Elpitiya.  Ananda Central Collage is a co   -     educational National School in the elpitiya divition, galle district,Sri lanka.It's a very beautiful place. it's one of the best School in My City. There are more than 4000 Students in grades 1to 13.ananda central collage was founded in the 1940s. 

       The school During the World War two after the japanees dropped bombs on colombo 5 april 1942.In case Anagarika Dharmapala and Colonel henry steel olcott tried to estabilish Schools across the country, and as a results they founded the Ananda Central Collage. My school has large study and confident building.It has a large and friendly Play ground.My school is my second home where i spend most of time. above all,it gives me a platform to do better in life and also builds my personality.I love my scool.



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